

Doxa Campus Mission Flyer

Doxa Campus Mission [Holy Spirit And Fire Conference]

Our vision is to ensure that the knowledge of God’s glory overshadows the earth and that people begin to grow in their understanding of God’s truth. This is the burden behind DOXA CAMPUS MISSION. God is about to raise men and women across every campus, setting them on fire for His course in this season and we are as well set to collaborate with Him to do so.
If you would like to partner with us to bring God’s mighty move to your campus, send a mail to doxachristiannetwork@gmail.com using CAMPUS MISSION as the subject.

Secondary School Outreach​

The move of the Spirit does not exclude the younger generations.
The burden behind secondary school outreaches is to reach out to teenagers, by catching them young, setting them on fire, and helping them discover their purpose in God.​

learners in classroom reading
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